
Friday, April 8, 2022

Beach Fishing With Paul Sperco Palm Beach/Martin County Area

 My son , daughter in law , and grandkids headed home yesterday after a pretty slow 5 days of fishing . I think the two most asked questions I have received from folks in the past couple of weeks are , “ Where can I find some sandfleas?”and Where can I find a beach with no slime weed ?”. The answer to the first question is easy . I tell everyone just go buy an extra bag of Electric Chicken or EZ Flea Fishbites and that will handle the bait issue . The answer to the slime weed situation is definitely a tough one . This stuff seems to be from Ft Pierce to Juno and yes, some days are worse than other but the ability to find an area tgat has none has been a problem . I fished as far north as John Brooks over the weekend and the weeds gave us a chance for a day but a return to Coconut Tuesday proved to be a bad decision as the weeds were thick as can be . I looked all the way to Bathtub and it just got worse . I tried at Stuart beach yesterday around 530 pm and it was unfishable. The Hobe Sound to Jupiter stretch was fishable last week and there were definitely some fish caught but the last couple of days have proven to be loaded with weeds and after talking to some friends today that was still the case . The good news I did hear today that there is a big shot of pompano in the Lake Worth area so we still have some fish headed our way . Winds are forecast to switch to the west/northwest direction through Saturday so let’s hope a wind shift will get rid of some of this stuff . Hope everyone has a great weekend. Good luck and catch em up .

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