From Whites Tackle - Ft Pierce / Stuart / Vero Beach
Good morning everyone. The mullet migration is just starting to perk up, with finger mullet schools cruising the beaches, to the delight of Snook, Tarpon, Jack Crevalle, Spanish Mackerel, and others. DOA Bait Busters, topwater plugs, and the new Savage Pulse Tail Mullet swim baits have all been producing. Scattered glass minnows have also provided action on the beaches as well. Snook fishing continues to be pretty good in the inlets, but live baiters have had a better go of it due to the clearer water. Inshore, some decent Seatrout fishing has been had early in the AM, before the heat drives them deeper, and quite a few Snook have been along the mangroves and docks, though mostly shorts. Redfish action has held steady north of Ft. Pierce Inlet as well.
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