
Friday, June 19, 2020

Sebastian Inlet Report

Despite the usual afternoon thunderstorms we see over the summer, the weather this past week was better and looks to be more of the same this week.  Hot but sunny days with some isolated showers here and there.  So for all you anglers, find some time to go drop a line...
The action has been decent, not great, with some mixed reports.  Mangrove Snapper have been hitting on live shrimp and fisherman out on the North Jetty have been bringing in Red Drum, Bluefish, Blue Runners and Spanish Mackerel.  We’ve heard reports of Snook biting too, but remember they are out of season and catch and releasee only until September 1.
For the Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish, use cut bait.  Blue Runners have been hitting on dead shrimp and smaller jigs, and use your live shrimp for the Red Drum.  Tommy at Sebastian Inlet Bait & Tackle tells us your best bet is out on the North Jetty.
This week’s featured angler is Makela with her first Snook-ever!  We hear that Makela loves to fish with her boyfriend.  She’s only been fishing for 7 months, but is a quick learner.  Way to go Makela and you have a world-renowned fishing spot in your own backyard!

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