
Friday, May 22, 2020

Beach Fishing With Paul Sperco Palm Beach/Martin County Area

The day was not a short one today for Randy and myself but I am happy to say we had a decent catch list. Bluefish, blue runners, croakers, spanish mackerel, pompano, and even a hook up with a spinner shark that ate the live croaker Randy had just put out to try and get a snook bite. We started this morning at Stuart Beach with the hope there were some schools of pompano making their way north.The only bite we got on the long rods was from a single blue runner. The water was really clear at that spot and that condition can make it tough to entice some pompano. The good news is my hope that the whiting and croaker near shore bite that starts right around this time of year was pretty darn good. The whiting never got the memo but the croaker obviously did. I know this report is going to bring a smile to friend and local surf sharpie, Chris Oliveria. Bloodworm Fishbites and small pieces of fresh shrimp was the ticket and the croaker bit for a couple of hours. There is a Hutchinson Island Fish Fry in my immediate future.The key to putting the whiting and croaker in the cooler is to pitch your bait, not cast it. All of these fish were within 10 yards of the edge of the surf and target your fishing time around the high tide mark. I was a little bit surprised they bit this well because the buildup of the swell from Arthur has already started. Randy was catching the spanish mackerel on a tree rig and on two consecutive casts he managed a triple header and then a loaded up 4 fish shot with 3 mackerel and one blue runner.Once the tide dropped I headed up to Blue Heron and managed to catch bluefish and 4 keeper pompano before the weeds that the swell was bringing off of the beach made conditions tough. Ez Flea Fihbites caught all 4 of the pompano today. The conditions will hopefully subside on Saturday so everyone can get out on this holiday weekend and bend some rods. Good luck and have a safe and healthy holiday. If anyone has any questions about rigs, bait,or tackle to help you improve your next trip.

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