Black Drum, Sheepshead, Snook, Redfish and Pompano – all around!
Getting reports of Black Drum, Sheepshead, Snook, Redfish and Pompano at the inlet with folks fishing from the beaches, jetties and catwalks with good success. Check out this massive Black Drum caught by our angler of the week – Leonardo Tzitzios - while fishing the North Jetty “My personal best Black Drum…caught on clams.”
Try the outgoing tide if your targeting Snook and use shrimp, bait fish or your top water lures to reel them in. Redfish are biting throughout the inlet and around the jetties. Use shrimp, clams and sandfleas.
Anglers have been sending in reports of Sheepshead and Pompano too, and really all of the different fishing areas have been productive – beaches, North and South jetties, catwalks. Don’t forget to check out the T-dock on the Southside too if you want to drop a line.