INSHORE- Snook fishing (like the weather) has been all over the place this week; but still remains the best bet in town. The Snook are feeding well at night around the bridges, especially on outgoing tide. During the day look for the snook to be laid up under docks and seawalls providing ambush points for unsuspecting mullet. A few jacks cruising around inshore, but not great numbers by any means. A handful of tarpon reports around Lake Worth Inlet.
SURF/PIER- Great pompano fishing at the Juno Beach Pier and along the beach this week. Clams, sandfleas, and Fishbites are the bait of choice for the pompano. Bright colored Doc's Goofy Jigs have been working well from the pier, especially during lowlight periods of the day. The Juno Beach Pier has also had a good number of Spanish Mackerel around. Crappie Jigs and Rapala X-Raps have been working well on the Macs. Still a few blacktip/spinner sharks around; but the numbers are dwindling. Get out and catch the last of the sharks now; they won't be around for much longer!