INSHORE- Wintertime inshore action in the ICW and Loxahatchee river has started to improve. Black drum, sheepshead, and a few redfish are starting to hold around boat docks, bridges, and seawalls in better numbers. Live shrimp is the bait of choice, and they can be presented well on a jighead (The yellowtail candy jighead works well for this). Takes a little searching to find the best numbers of these guys, so don't be afraid to bounce around a bit looking for them. Generally speaking, they will be grouped up in fair size schools. Snook season closes December 15th, so only a couple more days to try and find one. The bridges at night remain a top choice for getting a snook bite or two, especially on outgoing tide.
SURF/PIER- Surf fishing action remains very good. Bluefish, jacks, and sharks are making up a bulk of the action along the beach. Large topwater popping plugs, GT Ice Cream lures, and diamond jigs are all great lure choices, especially during lowlight periods of the day. Sharks are biting chunks of fresh bait very well at night. Pompano action has been a bit spotty, but good reports north of Jupiter Inlet continue to come in. Sandfleas, clams, and fishbites remain the baits of choice for the pompano. Spanish Mackerel action has really started to get going at Peck's Lake.
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