The excellent surf action from the early part of the week has given way to 20 to 25 knot Southeast winds and 5 to 7 foot seas. The winds are forecast to back off on Friday evening and hopefully we can get back to the beach on Saturday. As far as the last couple of days, I cancelled my scheduled charter on Wednesday due to the high wind forecast. I took a ride up to the beach to hopefully rake some sandfleas and was surprised to find the beach almost fishable. The beach that I had been fishing in the middle of Hutchinson Island was too rough to fish or rake sandfleas so I took a ride north and was shocked to find the parking lot at Middle Cove empty. If anyone has fished this beach in the past couple of weeks you know the crowd it has been attracting and finding a spot to fish has been tough. I took a couple of rods and sandflea rake and headed up to the surf line. I threw a couple of rods out in a building easterly wind and I guess the pompano and whiting didn't read the marine forecast. I was lucky enough to beach 20 nice pompano and a half a dozen whiting in a couple of hours. The winds finally got too sporty and I packed it in but what a great bite. A 10 to 15 knot easterly wind will create conditions that are favorable for the pompano to feed. The surf and wave action stirs up the bottom and uncovers the crabs, clams, and sandfleas that this fish loves to feed on. The pompano hit both plain EZ Flea Fishbites and natural sandfleas tipped with small pieces of Pink Shrimp and Pink Crab Fishbites. Its anyones guess where the pompano will reappear after the wind subsides but look for clean water and that area should produce. Bluefish, mackerel, whiting, croaker, jacks, and blue runners will be in the mix also.
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