
Monday, September 25, 2017

Beach Fishing With Paul Sperco Palm Beach/Martin County Area

As Hurricane Marie continues to move in a northerly direction the effects of the swells, rain, and grass and weed accumulation along our local beaches will gradually diminish. I took a ride Sunday along A1A on Hutchinson Island and looked at 14 beach accesses to see what kind of conditions we presently have. Last week after Irma we had a number of spots that had big drop down accesses that were in the 4 to 6 foot range. I am happy to report that only a couple of beaches still have those conditions, but have shrunk to 2 to 4 feet. Unfortunately, a lot of our beaches in Martin and St Lucie counties have lost tons of sand and the size of the beaches have been greatly reduced. Below you will find a number of individual beach conditions and going forward, I will continue to update as they change.
As far as fishing goes, I am hoping with the wind shift predictions of the upcoming week and the last swells of Marie going away, we can start concentrating on the schools of mullet and the predators that are chasing them as they continue their southerly migration. The grass and weed mats may be the most challenging factor while throwing lures and live bait to the tarpon, jacks, ladyfish, snook, bluefish, and mackerel that will be in pursuit of all of this bait. Things will get back to normal and patience may be the key word we will be concentrating on. It is going to be some time before reminders like the two beached boats I observed on the beaches today are out of sight but in time all we will be talking about bending a rod and having fun. The Keys are making a strong comeback, as is the west coast of Florida but keep all of our friends in Puerto Rico and the island chains that were devastated in your thoughts and prayers. Good luck this week and catch em up.
The following beach accesses are now accessible 
: Santa Lucea, Stuart Public Beach, Tiger Shores, Virginia Forrest, Bryn Mawr, Bob Graham, County Line, Hermans Bay, Walton Rocks, and Middle Cove. The two spots that still have a 2 to 3 foot drop down are Dollmans Beachside and Normandy. Almost all of these spots have mountains of grass and weeds and it will take some time before they get back to pre-storm conditions. Out of all of the areas listed above, Middle Cove looks to be in the best shape and if conditions improve this week to the point where I can fish again, that will be the spot I will start with.

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