
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sebastian Inlet Report



It is a beautiful day at the Sebastian Inlet. Winds are blowing out of the Northeast at 3 mph, gusting to 6 and there is a light chop on the water. There are no NOAA advisories this morning but we have a chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Keep it in mind if you are headed to the inlet. Take lots of sunscreen, water and insect repellent. Although the no see 'ums are not biting now, when the winds die down, they come out in force. 

Tommy Turowski at the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle Shop reports a decent bite over the long holiday weekend and the Mangrove Snapper have started to show up off the north jetty! Spanish Mackerel and Bonito are chasing the large bait schools of greenies and sardines.
 Our anglers today are father and son, Bill and Alex Albaugh of Melbourne. Bill and Alex fished the north jetty in the morning and they both landed some Spanish Mackerel using Gotcha lures. The men are strictly catch and release fishermen.

Photo one is of Bill with a Spanish Mackerel and photo two features Alex with one of his Mackerel.

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