
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Beach Fishing With Paul Sperco Palm Beach/Martin County Area Edit | View | Share | Delete

Whiting, croaker, jacks, barracuda, and blacktip sharks all made the surf report from this past week. My work schedule has kept me off the beach this week but I did speak with my folks who fished in between the ongoing thunderstorms. Barry Richards, one of our top local surf fisherman, caught and released a nice barracuda and a 50-pound blacktip shark last Thursday at Santa Lucea Beach. Barry was using cut mullet on a fishfinder rig 50 yards off the beach. There were also some nice croaker caught by some folks that were fishing the same area. My son Randy and his family caught whiting at Dollmans Beachside on fishbites and shrimp over the weekend, but were chased off of the beach when the thunderstorms moved into the area. His fish were caught in the first trough 10 - 15 yards from the edge of the beach. The stronger southeast winds of the past couple of days are forecast to back off by the weekend and conditions should be good. Whiting, croaker, jacks, and catch-and release snook should all be in the mix in the upcoming days. Look for pods of tarpon moving down the beach as bait schools move into our area. Early morning will be best for the tarpon and snook and target the hours around the high tide mark for the whiting and croaker. Good luck and catch em up.

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