
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Beach Fishing With Paul Sperco Palm Beach/Martin County Area

As mentioned at the seminar Saturday, I urge everyone to read Ed Killer's article in the TCPalm publications, " When Sharks Die" which was in yesterday's newspaper and currently on line from the TC Palm website. The theme of the article is about three dead sharks that were found washed up on our area beaches in the space of two days last week. 

Shark fishing from the surf is a very popular sport but as most often happens, a very small percentage of anglers are jeopardizing this activity for the majority of fishermen who play by the rules and catch and release. These great fish must be released in a timely manner to insure they swim away healthy and strong. Every fish, from catfish to tiger sharks, occupy an important spot in the long list of species that swim along our shores. To kill a fish like a catfish, ladyfish, jack, or any of the other types that may not have a high food value to those of us that fish the beach or from a boat is a practice I have never been able to understand. They all are important to the food chain and eco system of our great fishery and in order to sustain the supplies for our future fishing generations they need to be released to swim away. Ed points out in his article that the tiger sharks that washed up on the beach are one of twenty species of shark that are illegal to harvest in our waters. I am of the opinion anyone that blatantly participates in this practice needs to be reported to FWC and held accountable for their actions. Do not let the one or two percent of our fishing participants ruin a great angling opportunity for the ninety eight percent of us that play by the rules. Take time to read Ed's article and call FWC if you observe someone breaking the rules: 888-404-3922

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