It's another still morning at the inlet. Winds are nonexistent with an occasional "gust" out of the South-Southeast at 1 mph. There is a light chop on the water. We have no NOAA advisories today and it looks like a wonderful day to go boating or surf fishing. Be sure to keep hydrated; take plenty of water, sunscreen and insect repellent if you head to the inlet.
We received an update from Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach who fished the north jetty for a few hours yesterday, late morning and early afternoon. The bite was very slow on the incoming tide. Mike reported a lot of bait in the water and a large school of Jacks were busting through them, creating some entertainment for the fishermen. The Jacks were in the 5 - 8 lb. range. No Snapper or Spanish Mackerel came over the rails during his time on the jetty although he heard that earlier in the day a few, not many, came over the rails. Anglers free-lining greenies and mojarra were having good luck with C/R Snook.
Our photo features Tyler with a beautiful Tarpon he played for about 20 minutes before bringing it over the rails. The Tarpon was quickly photographed and released.
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