Monday, October 26, 2015



This defines a fisherman and how well he fishes. How do you approach a fishing spot? How do you treat others? Fact is, your mindset will make or break you as an angler long before you set the hook on anything.
Awhile back there was this 19 year old kid talking a tough game on the Louisiana Sportsman forum. He was openly betting anybody to a fishing match, despite himself finagling his way out of committing to a local fishing tournament. Maybe his trash talking was good natured, but he ought to know that much is lost in translation over the Internet. My perception was that he was a smart alec. Doesn’t matter if I’m wrong, as the first impression is made. I certainly don’t want to help someone that’s so loudmouthed. How does he help himself by behaving in such a manner? With that said, I have the life experience to know better: I give someone a chance by meeting them in person.
It helps to build a network of committed fishermen you can converse with. Fishing report forums are the bees knees these days. There are a lot of great forums out there, they’re a great way to enhance your fishing ability. By contributing fishing reports (good and bad) and being friendly with people, you will build a solid reputation. From there you can create a network of fishing colleagues you work with to help stay on top of the trout action. This is key. Myself and enthusiastic inshore anglers communicate with each other to ensure our success. It’s something you can make for yourself, too.
Mindset goes much further than just manners. What are you thinking when you launch your boat to go fishing? What will happen if you don’t catch anything? Will you get frustrated and quit? Or will you drive on? There have been days when I ran all over the marsh, only to get onto a great bite as the sun was growing weary in the sky. I didn’t quit, I kept my composure and I kept on going! It drove me to success!
Things like patience, fortitude, and understanding go a long way in the world of inshore fishing. Have these things enhance your technique and strategies as well as your character. These things make up a great mindset to not only tackle fishing, but all aspects of life.
    courtesy of

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