Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sheepshead part2

10 Sheepshead Tips and Tricks

It is without a doubt that sheepshead are one of the most notorious “bait stealers” on the piers. With their crushing-type predation, they simply “mouth” the bait right off the hook if one is not paying close attention. These are the top 10 tricks that will set you aside from the rest of the anglers.

10 Things to Remember When Sheepshead Fishing:

1.Cast down, not out.

Sheepshead that hang out on the piers, bridges, jetties and seawalls are there for one reason – structure. The food they search for are the small crabs, oysters, and bivalves attached to the structure you are fishing, so when you look down, you will almost always see a few fish circling the pilings. Casting directly below you (even slightly under the structure) will put you in sheepshead territory.

2.Use the “slow and steady” technique.

3.Pack lightly.

4.Use small bait.

5.Use a small circle hook.

6.Make sure your hooks are sharp.

7.Scrape barnacles off pilings to get sheepshead excited.

8.In late spring, summer, and fall -- fish inshore.

9.In the winter and early spring, fish offshore structures.

10.Keep your rod in hand.

11.Watch out for the spines.

These 10-plus-one tips will lead you to put an excellent white, flaky-textured fish on the dinner table. You will also develop an incredible sense of accomplishment, mastering one of the most challenging fish on the pier.

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