We have another lovely morning at the Sebastian Inlet. Winds are blowing out of the South at 7 mph, gusting to 10 and there is a light chop on the water.
We received some nice photos from our readers that we will get posted real soon on the web site. We received a couple of updates from inlet regular Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach who fished the weekend (a rare occasion) and reported a good Black Drum bite on Saturday . Twelve to fifteen Drum in the 22 - 34" range came over the rails on the outgoing tide between 7:00 - 11:00 a.m. Mike landed one that was 28", Josh Sullivan of Palm Bay landed the largest at 34" and "Big Dave" Hartwell landed a huge 44" C/R Red using a bucktail. Numerous Snook were landed and released on bucktails, dead shrimp and clams! Small Bluefish were caught throughout the morning on bucktails and spoons. Mike went back for more punishment on Sunday and reported the end of the north jetty was three deep and a real war zone. An incredible Black Drum bite kept the anglers busy with about 100 fish coming over the rails for those using clams. Mike lost two on the way up, and but that was it for him. The Drum were hungry for clams and Mike was out, so he will get some more and try his hand later this week.
Sally Baughman of Jackson, WY sent in our first photo today of Amanda Villagsne of Halifax, Nova Scotia who was visiting with her family. Amanda brought in this decent sized Bluefish using a shiny lure.
Photo two features Alek Turko of Indialantic with a real nice 15" Sheepshead he landed off the north jetty
Photo three features Mike Ricciardi with the 28" Black Drum he landed.
Josh Sullivan of Palm Bay is featured in our fourth photo with a huge 34" Black Drum he landed.
Our last photo features Dave Hartwell with the big 44" Red he landed and released.
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