
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sebastian Inlet Report


We have winds blowing out of the West-Northwest at 4 mph, gusting to 7 and the water is calm with a light chop. We have some sets coming in at first peak and surfers are in the water taking advantage. Always use caution when casting into the surfing area. Clouds are building offshore and there is a good chance of rain today. 

A lot of Moon Jellyfish are drifting through the inlet and around the jetties. We're seeing Mangrove Snapper, Blue Runners, Reds during low light periods, Snook and Jacks at the inlet, along with some huge Tarpon. Tommy Turowski at the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle Shop reported that greenies (Atlantic Thread Herring) remain thick around the inlet. Mojarra can be found in the tide pool and in the river. We're still waiting for the mullet run to come through. 

Our photos today are courtesy of Scott Quinn of Satellite Beach. On Saturday, 9/3, a large school of Tarpon were hitting glass minnows close to shore. Using a Bomber Magnum Long A lure on his big reel with 400' of 65 lb. braid, he fought this big fish for 1.5 hours before getting him in for photos. The Tarpon jumped and danced on the water five different times and ran Scott's line out 150 - 200 yards three times! What a great fight!

Photo one is of Scott Quinn with his "big baby". Photo two is of the entire fish, which was huge, and photo three is of the release. The big guy swam away unharmed to fight another day. 

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