INSHORE- The arrival of big schools of finger mullet inshore (pretty much from Stuart all the way to Palm Beach Inlet) has the inshore fish fired up. Depending on where you find the mullet schools; snook, tarpon, redfish, spotted seatrout, jacks, and ladyfish will be taking advantage of the easy meal. Getting a bite out of the middle of what often seems like a million mullet can be tough. Try keeping your baits on the edge or underneath the school. The other trick that sometimes work is fishing something totally different around the school of mullet. Many a big snook have slurped up a DOA shrimp crawled underneath a school of mullet. Another good trick is to fish good looking ambush points(seawalls, bridges pilings and fenders, points, canal entrances, etc) where you don't see mullet schools. Many fish, snook especially, are lazy and don't want to go looking for the mullet; and prefer to stake out and wait for the tide to bring the schools to them. Live mullet, topwater plugs (Zara Spook and Rapala Skitterwalks), and Suspending Jerkbaits (Rapala X-Raps) are all good lures for this situation. Throw your bait or lures up-current and bring them back with the tide naturally for some explosive strikes!
SURF/PIER- The surf and pier fishing has been very very good this week, with all kinds of action going on. Finally seeing a good number of bigger mullet and the large predators are in them. Look for big snook, tarpon, jacks, and sharks to be around the schools of silver mullet. While they will feed on the schools all day, the best action tends to be early morning and late afternoon. School of finger mullet are still around and they too are being followed by all kinds of predators. The Juno Beach Pier is alive with fish right now. In addition to the previously mentioned species; the pier is producing good numbers of spanish mackerel, blue runners, and some bluefish and pompano as well. Beach shark fishing is heating up. Fair number of pompano for this time of year around as well.
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