It's a hot, steamy morning at the inlet. There's not much wind, but a little is blowing out of the Southwest at 3 mph, gusting to 4. The no see 'ums are relentless this morning and dragon flies are everywhere, trying to gobble them up. Tommy Turowski at the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle reported that a few nice Permit were landed this morning, one was in the 35 - 40 lb. range. Tommy also said a lot of glass minnows are in the water along with Mangrove Snapper and Jacks. Bonito are active on the high tide, crashing bait pods. There are a lot of Snook in the water as well.
We also received an update from Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach who fished the north jetty yesterday morning. Mike reported a fair morning for Mangrove Snapper, he got his limit of 5 and other anglers walked off the several good sized fish. Mojarra was the bait of choice for the Snapper. Large schools of bait were being pounded by Snook, Jacks and Bonito and 2 - 3' Sharks were traveling with them, picking up the wounded bait. The jetty anglers were having good luck with C/R Snook, Bonita and Jacks, although most were using spoons and large plugs. Many of the anglers who were Snapper fishing were picking up C/R Snook because of the large number of feeding frenzies on both sides of the jetties.
Our first photo features Du Truong with a nice Margate in the 4 - 5 lb. range he landed while fishing for Snapper using live mojarra.
Photo two is of one of the Sharks swimming in the bait pods.
Photo four features Trevor Clarcq with a beautiful C/R Red he landed Friday using a croaker. Trevor reported the Bonito schools were thick about one mile out of the inlet, hitting any shiny lure. Thanks Trevor, great catch!
Atila of Orlando is featured in our last photo today. Atila landed this 38" C/R Snook in the early morning hours, the Snook was released unharmed after the photo.
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