
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Time to register for a free fishing tournament!
To celebrate Fishing Week, SGF is inviting you to join us in one of our two FREE fishing tournaments this
weekend. It's an opportunity for you to explore the new iAngler-Tournament app, go fishing over the weekend,
and possibly win a prize.
The process is simple. First you download the free app, by searching "iAngler Tournament" in your Android 
or apple mobile device. Then create a user profile - set up a username and password to ensure your private 
fishing info stays private. 
Then you can sign up for one of the free tournaments, called "Inshore Weekend Series, Round 1," and 
"Freshwater Weekend Series, Round 1."
After that, all you have to do is go fishing, and report your catches to the tournament using your mobile 
device. For your catch to count in the tournament, be sure to submit them before "lines out" on Sunday
 at 6PM.
Not only will you be eligible to win a prize just for downloading the new app and registering for the
 tournament, but this is a live data collecting event - you will be contributing much needed data to fishery
Throughout the weekend, you and your friends can check on the live leaderboard at

The tournament registration process is simple and fast. Grab the app, or visit the website, and click
 the registration button. Follow a few easy steps and Voila - you are now ready to contribute data for 
fishery science. It doesn't matter where you fish - anywhere on the world works! And it doesn't
 matter what you target. There are points awarded for every species. There are a few key species in each
 tournament, so target them if you can. But any species you catch has research value, so every species 
you catch will get you some points. So log 'em all!

Here are a few key points about the new system:
     -iAngler Tournament is a subset of our original data collecting 
app, "iAngler." If you don't have it yet, it is also free, is being used
if state level stock assessments and is a very powerful personal 
fishing logbook. Check it out!
     -iAngler Tournament does not replace iAngler, but supplements
 the data we've been collecting for the past four years. Keep both
 apps on your phone, and continue to log your accurate fishing trip 
data. We need data, and more of it, or we aren't going to be able to 
save our fisheries.
     -You can -and should- use the same username and password 
for each system. You don't have to, but it makes things easier for
 you down the road.
     -The AAP system will automatically link your tournament catches
 to your existing AAP catch list. In fact, if you visit, you will notice the front page has some info 
added about the tournament system. In the next round of upgrades,
 the data will link more completely with your AAP data - just wait till
 you see how our "gamefish cloud" ties all of this together!
     -You can practice logging "fake" fish in the "iAngler Practice" 
tournament. Register for that freebie and log away. This data is not 
counted for any official stock assessments or research, it is just 
there for anglers to familiarize themselves with the new technology.
Please take the time to download the app today. Search "iAngler 
Tournament" in your app store. Log a fish in the practicetournament
 and let us know what you think! You'll notice right away that it is 
much faster and very intuitive. 
PS - Don't forget to log your non-tournament fishing trips in
 iAngler or  Your data is important, 
logging it makes it count.

Brett Fitzgerald Executive Director, SGF

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