INSHORE- Unfortunately, not a lot to report on the inshore side of things this week. Snook fishing is still very good, just remember they have to go back now. Catch and release only for a few months. The bridges at night are loaded up with snook right now. Just be sure to handle the big spawning females with a little extra care right now! Other action inshore is hit or miss as the water temps continue to rise. Try fishing first thing in the morning, late in the afternoon, or even at night for best luck inshore right now. Scattered reports of inshore mangrove snapper, sheepshead, and black drum continue to trickle in. Also, some reports of big jacks cruising the seawalls looking for mullet to chase down.

SURF/PIER- Whiting and croaker are still hanging out in the first trough. Small pieces of cut shrimp, squid, and fishbites are good choices for the croakers. Lurking just behind the croakers will be some monster snook. Summertime beach patterns for snook are setting in, and now is a great time to try and catch a monster snook along the beach (More info coming on beach snook fishing soon!). Other surf action remains hit or miss at best. Scattered schools of big jacks and tarpon have been around. Some resident spanish macs around the Juno Beach Pier.
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