28 MAY 2014
Registration is free, and you can win prizes just by participating. In an effort to bring more anglers into the data collection fold, the Snook & Gamefish Foundation is hosting a series of free 'virtual’ tournaments. Anglers across the country – and globe – are able to participate and potentially earn prizes just for participating.
YOU can participate in the next FREE events, which are scheduled for July 4-6. There will be both a fresh water tournament and an inshore tournament.

Designed to manage current tournaments as well as host new events that can focus on specific research needs, iAngler-Tournament has already successfully managed a tournament from the legendary Redbone series in the Florida Keys, and SGF hosted their own events throughout the month of June.

When using iAngler-Tournament, anglers are required to use their mobile smart device to record their catches and submit them to the tournament committee. This allows for ‘real-time’ updates of the leaderboard, which is appealing to most anglers. But the simplicity of use is what draws the most praise.
Overall winner Eric Shaheen said he and his girlfriend Tina Porada enjoyed the experience of fishing in the first tournament, Stars & Stripes. “We fish together all the time and can get competitive with each other in a fun way, but we’ve never really been tournament anglers. This was a first for us.” Like the other anglers in the tournament, Eric felt that the fishing was a bit slow due to all of the holiday boat traffic and fishing pressure. Still, he caught enough to win first place overall, and Tina took the award for most trout. They will both receive some SGF goodies as well as a DOA B.O.B. kit. “We fish strictly artificial, so the DOA lures will not collect any dust on our boat!” Eric also said he is looking forward to future events, as well as logging his regular trips in iAngler.
What: Two FREE online tournaments. Inshore Weekend Series: Round 2, and Freshwater Weekend Series: Round 2
Who: You! And your friends. Anyone who is able to fish and has a license (if required).
When: Friday July 4 through Sunday July 6, 2014. Lines in at midnight, Lines out at 11PM Sunday. Fish must be logged by midnight on the day of the catch.
Where: Any freswater or inshore spot you want to fish!
Why: Take a chance at winning some prizes, and do some good for fishery science. Get involved - go fishing and log your catch!
How: Sign up for iAngler Tournament (create a username and password). Then register for the tournament of your choice!
Did you know? The Angler Action Program has already logged over 33,000 fish. Anglers are making a difference, and you can too by simply logging your catches.Bill Clutter, one of the anglers who won the DOA lure kit from a random drawing among anglers, agreed with the other anglers. “It’s not about the prizes here, it’s about collecting data. This system accomplishes that in such an easy way, you might forget that you are helping scientists learn about our fish.”

Any angler who is able to fish, meaning they have a license if required, can participate in the upcoming fishing tournament,

“Angler involvement is going to be the most important factor in protecting our fisheries for generations to come. The AAP family of programs plugs anglers directly into the process. As more and more anglers participate, we’ll become increasingly powerful as a driving force for conservation.”
Sign up today, and take a few minutes to log a fish in the iAngler Practice Tournament. That way you will be completely ready to hit the water on June 7-8 and start logging data.
SGF note: iAngler-Tournament was created thanks to a very generous contribution from the Fleming Foundation. Also, many thanks to DOA Lures and Reel Swag for their support after a very last minute request! There are some really good peeps out there who care about our fisheries, and SGF appreciates every one of 'em.
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