
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sebastian Inlet Report


The winds have calmed down significantly, which means the no see 'ums are probably out chewing on the jetty anglers. Be sure to take insect repellent if you head to the inlet today. Winds are blowing out of the West at 4 mph and gusting to 7. The water has a light chop. 

We've had a lull in jetty fishing the past two weeks; it can end anytime now, we're ready for some action. Offshore and on the river have been much more productive than the beaches and jetties. Tommy Turowski of the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle Shop reported a lot of seaweed tangling lines on the beach, but it's not been too bad off the jetties. 

Schools of Snook are visible but not really cooperating. We're seeing some huge Jacks, which are good fighters and fun to catch. Jacks aren't real picky and will take just about any live bait if it's moving fast. Artificials retrieved quickly will also work. A very small variety of species have been landed such as Ladyfish, Black Drum, Margate, Whiting and Pompano will find its way to a lucky angler's hook. Patience is the key on slow days. 

Our angler of the day is inlet regular Bill Hillman of Kissimmee. Bill landed this big 30+" Jack  estimated at 14 lbs. 

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