
Friday, May 16, 2014

From Todd / Eric @ Juno Bait -Juno Beach

                                     Catch 365

"How to catch em' on a Jig"

Want to know the secret of how to really catch snook on the jig? Capt. Eric( passed it along last week at The West Palm Beach Fishing Club seminar. I don't have the exact quote, but it was basically this...
"If you really want to catch snook on the jig the best thing you can do is what local snook legend Mark Hightower told me. Tie it on; and don't take it off till you catch a snook on it!"
That one simple line really sums up jig fishing(and really any lure fishing) for snook nicely. It's easy to tie a lure on, sling it out a few times, not catch anything, cut it off, put on another lure, and repeat...
Take the time to get a feel for how a lure works, swims, looks, casts, etc. before giving up on it; and the results will follow!

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