Chasing Large: Self Motivation and Dedication
by Crazy Alberto Knie

I often get questions about chasing big fish and how my success is better than most. Well, the truth of the matter is, I am not better than others and the key to my success lies in the motivation and dedication to the sport. As to the common follow-up question – they tell me they are too busy and can’t find the time. Well, that’s not good enough in my book. We are all too busy and have priorities in life… but you must and really need to set priorities and set time for it. If you are really serious about it – it’s that simple!
There shouldn’t be any excuses because my records shows, whenever I am not motivated or don’t dedicate my time to it (which are the ingredient for failure). Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. My advice is to treat it like a business meeting and setting realistic goals. And that is to motivate and dedicate you for the big hunt. Obviously you’ve must have some skill sets but without motivation and dedication you are setting yourself to disappointments. Moreover, anything less is setting you to “luck”, and that’s a different story altogether. While we are on the topic of luck, I’ve asked a few high rollers to shed some light on the word luck, and although they credit it to some “luck”… but most successful gamblers relies and put all in on their motivation and dedication!