
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Understanding the Moon & Tide for Fishing Success

Understanding the Solunar Periods
Understanding the Solunar Periods
Our ancestors and generations before their existence perfected and understood the moon phases and tides. They relied on them not for recreational reason, but to survive. There is evidence of this dating back to 2700 BC, the time of the ancient Sumerians who portrayed their beliefs via pictograms (One of the earliest forms of writing).
I will try not to bore you too much with a history lesson, but I wanted to place emphasize on the importance of the Solunar, and the solar effects in relation to your catch ratio. Before modern civilization came about with our high tech gadgets, ancient man was able to see the increase in activity near full and new moons in “all wildlife”; fisherman who lived by the ocean, were able to see how the tides were dramatically affected around these crucial periods.  
The moons influence is obvious in many instances, the most obvious force being the gravitational and rotational pull that can clearly be observed with the tides. The rise/fall of the tide and the influence monitored by the moons relative position and angle AKA: apogee/perigee. Most evidence from modern experimentations indicates a vast increase in activity when the moon is directly overhead or directly underfoot (opposite of the earth). These periods are referred to as the “Major” and “Minor” periods.
How this correlates to you in laymen’s terms, with the arrival of the new and full moon, comes the flood tides. These are periods in which the tides are highest and have most water movement. With more water flowing in the bays and estuaries, brings more opportunities for fish to feed.  This triggers a response in fish to know that there will be “more” food readily available, therefore their feeding response is heightened.
Ok, so now you want to know when the best time to fish might be? The best answer is “when you can” but if you want to have the greatest success, you must factor in the, moon, solunar, weather, and your fishing location. Optimal conditions to fish would be within the major period, on a high tide or the beginning of the outgoing at dawn or dusk. The other important part of the equation is location, learning where the fish travel as the tides move and how they stage up on the tide. Typically as the water rises, you move closer to shore (Right on the mangroves). As the water recedes you should move further from the shore and position yourself where there is water flow and possibly structure.
Fish are opportunistic creatures, as long as they feel safe when an easy meal presents itself, you will usually hook up. So get out there and search for “fishy areas”. Use the above mentioned advice and watch your catch ratio thrive. Do you have any tips you would like to share, tips that have helped you land more fish? If so, please be sure to comment.
story courtesy of

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