
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sebastian Inlet Report


We have a cold, wet morning at the inlet. The wind isn't too bad, it's blowing out of the Northwest at 5 mph, but we have a pretty good chop on the water. Even so, we have a few anglers out on the north jetty trying their luck. Tommy Turowski at the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle Shop reported some nice Sea Trout being landed on the flats, a few Black Drum, smaller Blues, small Pompano and a stray Sheepshead every now and then. 

Inlet regulars Mike Ricciardi and Tony Swiderski braved the elements on the north jetty yesterday morning and Mike reported that conditions were pretty rough. The north wind was relentless and made the currents strange, keeping the sand churned up and losing the water clarity that we had been experiencing the past few days. Mike reported that Tony had a very large Black Drum on the line but he couldn't land it, as it wrapped itself up in the rocks. Birds were working the inlet and a lot of Blues were active. The Blues were in the smaller range of 10" - 15". The minimum size for Blues is 12" to the fork of the tail and the bag limit is 10 per person per day. After getting beat up by the wind, both men left he north jetty before noon.

Sebastian resident Brian Muhl fished the south jetty where he landed one nice Black drum and several keeper Blues using a surf rod with shrimp and clams. 
Our angler of the day is Bill Hammell of Palm Bay. Bill landed this nice 7.25 lb. Flounder off the south catwalk using a mud minnow.

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