Tuesday, January 14, 2014

From Henry @ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach

We could talk about the rain or the wind but today is Sunday and the sun is shining and the fish are biting.  Surf anglers are having a great day with all they have been waiting for.  Blue fish on cut baits with a mix of Mac’s to keep anglers busy and it is after noon.  

A long cast is putting  Pompano in the bucket, clams and sand fleas preferred.  Plenty of Whiting with no effort on clam, shrimp and Fish Bites. It is about time for these species and they may have been with us all week but this is the first day anglers could go to the beach and not be blown out or have the rain drive you back to the car. Weather will be a little cool this week so wear a jacket but we will need the cool to keep the surf temps as perfect as can be, now if the wind will cooperate.

          River anglers were victims of all of the above and then on top of that bait was a problem.  Shrimpers could not get out so we  had a few then we were out, them more would show but never enough.  Even though times were narrow, location very few and still not enough shrimp to go around.  Pompano have made a good show across the Sail Fish Flats, had a few anglers tell me about them skipping behind their boat.  Had two anglers limit out in the deep water of Hells Gate and yes they were chewing at the bridges, favored bait,that little jig.   Trout bite has been excellent, the Power Plant area has been the location, one of the few locations that was favored, take your pick this week the fish are hungry.  A few Reds in the mix but you might want to check out the new bridge, just south of the Palm City bridge, I under stand this is the spot.  Pompano in the bay off Club Med, look to the deeper water, a good bite going.  Black Drum, Sheephead, Snapper and Mac’s, Blues,too many Lady Fish at the bridges, best would be to say busy fishing.

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