
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sebastian Inlet Report


What a beautiful morning at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the Southwest at 4 mph, the water has a light chop, skies are blue, and there are some white fluffy clouds in the distance. The air temperature is seventy degrees and it just doesn't get much better than this!

We've had a pretty good bite going on at the inlet. Large and mid-sized Black Drum, oversized and slot Reds, oversized Snook, a doormat or two, Blues, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel and Sheepshead have all been making appearances. It looks like we have good conditions forecasted through the weekend, so be sure to get out and enjoy the wonderful weather!

Our first photo today is courtesy of 15 year old Enrique Gonzalez of Haines City. Enrique and his family and friends drive the two hours to the inlet for their fishing trips. When they arrived, they started hooking up with oversized C/R Reds. Around midnight, the Tarpon bite turned on, then slowed down around 2:00 a.m., and started back up at 6:00 a.m. They landed a lot of Jacks and too many Catfish, but the best bite was Black Drum. Enrique is pictured with a nice 20" Drum he landed off the north jetty. 
Our next two photos are courtesy of Robert Pumarada of Orlando. Robert and his boys Dylan (9) and Ivan (7) love to drive to the inlet and fish. They love it even when they don't catch anything! Dylan landed this beautiful Pompano using live shrimp. 

Photo three is of Ivan Pumarada with his catch. This large Bluefish is almost as big as he is!!

Photo four is of 3 1/2 year old T.J. of Fort Lauderdale, who landed his Jack all by himself! 

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