Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sebastian Inlet Report


We have a gorgeous morning at the Sebastian Inlet. Winds are blowing out of the West-Southwest at 5 mph and the water is calm. Unfortunately, the no see 'ums are out in force, be sure to take insect repellent if you head to the inlet. 

Tommy Turowski at the Sebastian Inlet Bait and Tackle Shop reported a nice Red and Black Drum bite over the weekend. A lot of Jacks were in play, along with a few  Flounder and a couple of good sized ones. We are still seeing some schools of finger mullet swimming in and out of the inlet. 

Just when we said no doormats had been landed yet, we got proven wrong by one of our faithful anglers! Check out our first photo today of Ryan Roberson with a beautiful doormat and a nice Speckled Sea Trout. Ryan says they are out there; you just have to know where to find them! 
Photo two features Kathy Roberson, with a multi-spotted Redfish she landed that was 17", one inch short. It was released right after the photo. 
 Photo three is of 
Jim Slopsema with his Black Drum.

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