It's a nice morning at the inlet. The humidity is lower and we have some cloud cover off and on, its fall in Florida!
We received an update from inlet regular Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach. Mike fished the north jetty yesterday morning and reported another good Redfish bite. Dead shrimp and live mullet were the baits of choice. The finger mullet have started to thin out, but can still be found if you're willing to hunt for them. Black Drum have started to make their return and several were landed by Diane Buyce and "Granny" of Melbourne. Diane also landed the only Pompano that came over the rails yesterday morning. Chuck Fischer of Satellite Beach, Spiro Stathoupolos of Malabar, Tony Swiderski of Sebastian and Mike all landed slot Reds between 23" and 27". While fishing for Reds, Mangrove Snapper got interested in their baits and they landed Snapper between 13" - 14". Our first photo features Chuck, Mike, Spiro and Tony with their slot Reds from yesterday.
Derrick Herborn is featured in our second photo today with a 27" slot Red he landed off the north jetty.
Our third photo features Jason Wilton of Tucson, AZ who loves to visit and fish the inlet. Jason landed this undersized C/R Snook right after sunrise. He released it right after the photo and it was healthy and ready to slay more finger mullet!
Our last photo is courtesy of Mike Ricciardi and features Eddie Dolan of Juneau Beach. Eddie landed this 32" C/R Red l off the north jetty. The Red was released unharmed after the photo.
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