We have had a wet morning at the inlet, it's drying up a bit but not sure how long it will last, we could see rain off and on all day today. Today is the opposite of what usually happens in the summer months. We usually see beautiful mornings and afternoon showers, but you can't bet on anything when it comes to the weather. It's best to go to the inlet prepared for everything; sunscreen, rain gear, lots of water and if you're fishing today, patience may come in handy.
We've seen slow days at the inlet this past week. A few Jacks and Mangrove Snapper have been coming over the rails of the north jetty during the daylight hours. We received an update from Mike Nicosia of Melbourne who reported a great evening of fishing last night for C/R Snook.
Yesterday we predicted that lobster hunting may have been more productive than fishing and Justin Foster of Satellite Beach proved the point. Our first photo today is of Justin's 13 lobsters he landed yesterday, the first day of mini-season. Today is the last day, but visibility may not be so great with all the cloud cover.
Photo two is of Justin's crab trap he set near the Sebastian River, he got a few crabs to accompany the lobster!
Our last photo today features Isaiah Roberson of Winter Haven with a Mangrove Snapper he landed off the north jetty. The Snapper was just shy of the 10" limit, so being a responsible angler; he returned it to the water.
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