
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

From Henry @ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach

Sun shine, heat and a little breeze just make one want to sit and do what ever tomorrow, I love south Florida. It seems the fish live like I do, time , date nothing seems to matter or so it seems. Depends on who you talk to weather the fish are biting or what area, how deep, yes it is summer. 
Surf anglers had a lot to say about weeds but not all anglers, just depends on where you were fishing. If you go to an access go look before you take you equipment to the edge, if there is weeds go to the next because not every angler had this problem. Plenty of Whiting and Croaker with big Jacks on the edge, few Snook and Tarpon made the list again depends on you location. 
                                                                     photo courtesy of Chris Keyes
Tarpon and Snook were south of Stuart Beech, best bite was early but had reports of fish all day, some on live and just as many on artificial. If you are fishing the surf please a hat, unglasses and sun screen are mandatory, "oh well it is summer". River is warm, you have to fish early or late, low light is the key. If you are in the water after the sun comes up you need to be in deep water or at least shaded water. When the sun goes down will be the next time they will travel to the shallows, so plan you times and you will find fish, it is summer. The shallow water from the north end of Herman's Bay north to Bear Point is the location, that is the east side of the Indian River. Trout, Reds plenty of Jacks with a mix of Blue ish will keep you busy. After sun up go to the channels, the bridges, the Piers because that is where they will be, it is summer. St. Lucie river is out of the question, South Florida Water Management has made the decision to allow back pumping into the lake and we are to be the blunt end of their drain system. Their excuse is jobs so what they are saying Ag is more important than "YOU"......and we can thank our elected officials. Keep in mind S.F.W.M is appointed not voted on and AG gives more to their reelection funds than we do........ummmmmmmmm.......angry would be a good term. 

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