
Monday, May 6, 2013

Sebastian Inlet Report

We have a beautiful morning at the inlet, after a real windy weekend. Winds are blowing out of the West-Southwest at 6 mph and the water is calm. 

Although the winds were high and conditions were less than stellar, we had a lot of Snook activity over the weekend. The Snook didn't mind the rough seas and a lot of oversized fish and a few in the slot were landed. Big Reds were active as well. A smattering of Blues, smallish Mangrove Snapper and Jacks came over the rails.

Our first photo features Jose Dore of Palm Bay with a big, 42" C/R Red he landed using live shrimp. The big Red was landed and released about 4:30 a.m.

Our next photo is of a special visitor we had at Sebastian Inlet State Park. SISP Ranger Ed Perry relayed that in the 25 years he's worked at the State Park, he's never seen a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle nesting on the Park's beaches. She laid 116 eggs and was tagged by FWC. The nest will be monitored for its success. 

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