
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

From Henry @ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach

March wind is still with us and so are the Blue Fish.  For the surf angler it is a double edge sword, wind can make it difficult to fish but if the wind slows will the fish move on?  At the moment it has been 3oz days but a little piece of cut bait will find plenty of fish, not to many Whiting they are smarter then to hang around a school of Blues.  These Blueshave been in the five pound class making them excellent table fare and the best part is they have been eating all day. No need to hurry when you get there they will be waiting.  Snook like the water less turbid and with out the Blues, they eat all the Whiting but if you are looking to bend a rod come on down.  Nothing on Pompano at the surf this week, anglers were busy with the Blues.  Look to the clean water, stay a way from all the beach workers. East and south east wind has kept most anglers on the east side of the river or going into the North Fork of the St. Lucie looking first to get out of the wind then finding fish. Plenty of slot size Trout and few Reds were found with a mix of Bluefish.  Suspending baits top the list, Blue fish love the soft rubber, at least half of them. 
                                                                photo courtesy of Trey Waller and TCT Fishing
But Snook were every where, with a monster moon for three days they spent their night eating.  Bridges and docks, any where they had an ambush point, it was Snook time. Live baits or artificial, on the surface or across the bottom even I could catch Snook. Problem is they were all overslot, lots of fish and lots of photos, ever notice how a photo gets heavier with age?  Anglers fishing the skinny water found plenty of short Snook for their catch list, lots of twenty four inch fish.  It is good that we have the numbers of assorted sizes, they will surly be with us for a while, now about that slot size.

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