Monday, April 15, 2013

From Dave - Sebastian Inlet

As is often the case with other such transitional times of the year, the change from winter to spring can bring just as much excitement as it can utter boredom and lord knows we could use a break from the winter doldrums. Thankfully, over the past couple of weeks the fishing at the inlet has made a change for the better with the long awaited spring cast of characters finally making an appearance. Spanish mackerel, the biggest bluefish of the year, black drum, and a handful of Keeper redfish have all made an appearance lately and that makes me very happy. Unfortunately, the snook seem to be taking there sweet time in joining the rest of the cast and many anglers are finding it more than a bit difficult to connect with the local linesider's. My hope is that the spring run of mullet and other seasonal baitfish will arrive before too long. Once the bait fish arrive things should really beginning to heat up. As long as the weather stays warm and we avoid too many more cold fronts, the water should warm to more tolerable levels and spur the snook to strap on the feed bag just as the bait fish migration gets underway. I predict we should see a great deal of improvement before the end of the month. For now though, I'm perfectly happy catching the abundant spanish and blues. 
   For the best action right now, fish early, preferably durring the beginning stage of the out going tide and cast large spoons or top water plugs for the blue fish and use gotcha's, clark spoons or white crappie jigs for the mackerel. From about dawn til mid morning has been the most productive for both species. Be sure to use a wire leader for the blue's because they have been chewing through just about everything. These are big, burly, brutes and have muscle to back up their razor sharp teeth and will take their toll on your tackle. My photo this week is of myself with some of the trophy blues that have prowling the inlet.

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