Monday, January 21, 2013

From Henry@ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach

Unusual week of weather from warm to cold, wind to flat with a mix of showers and I am not sure if the weather man called one day correct.  Pompano anglers were ready with the morning cold but by noon it was warm, next day cool all day and anglers just knew it was lowering water temps and they have been waiting. Sorry not cool enough long enough and yes I may be the only one happy, I just do not like the cold. Forecast for the week is cold, heard about Pompano in the Ft Pierce inlet so just maybe they will be here this week, I will have my cold fingers crossed.
Surf anglers Blues and Whiting were on the edge. Blues were eating cut baits, wind made it difficult to cast a spoon. Whiting were up close at mid morning, still a pitch not a cast, these fish are up close. Pompano to the north and on the move so just maybe this will be the week, clam and sand fleas are the bait of choice.
Bridge anglers had a good week with strong runs of fish all day. Black Drum, Blues and Snapper and a mix were in and out all week and when in it got very busy. Plenty of Sheephead, Jacks and a mix of the rest made the bridge the place, still waiting for the Pompano. Reds were in and out but the wind kept anglers on hold. Areas around the Power Plant, east or west side depending on the wind direction or the area south of the Stuart Causeway on the west side kept anglers busy with a mix of Trout and small Jacks. A few Pompano were reported across the Sail Fish Flats but not enough to say yes they are here, resident fish.
Weathermen friend or foe...

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