Ft Pierce
Inshore there was a few pompano around J.C Park with a few jacks and trout mixed in. The jetty has had a few flounder,pompano, spanish and a few bluefish mixed in.
Inshore the pompano fishing has been ok around the sailfish flats and the inlet on the incoming tide.The trout fishing has been ok on the outgoing tide around the power plant.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
From Henry @ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach
Spanish Mac’s are every where, in the flats, on the surf edge, bridges and plenty off shore. If you are a Mackerel fan come on down, pick a location, a little piece of cut bait and you are in the fish. Fifteen is the bag and that is a lot of fish to clean, please set your limit before you go. From the bridges the Black Drum and Sheephead are keeping anglers busy using pieces of shrimp if you can keep the Mac’s away from your bait. Just drop your bait next to a bridge piling or a pier pole and they will be waiting. Drum and Sheephead any time is good, Snapper bite has been more to the moving tide and the Mac’s just put your bait in the water. Some Pompano this week, water is warm, waiting for a cold snap to bring them in. Yes, Snook is closed so take the barbs off the hooks for a quick easy release, they know the season is closed so they will eat about any thing that the Mac’s don’t take first.
North east wind has kept anglers on the east side of the river, flat water, no turbity. Trout and Reds were busy this week from Bear Point south to Blind Creek, taking top water, jigs and live shrimp. Tide made the difference, high out going worked like magic. Made no difference to the Mac’s and Blues they came through and if it moved they bit, easy to get along with this group. Few Pompano in the Sail Fish Flats, few at Hells Gate but a few was about it. Did I mention the Spanish Mackerel ? Snook season is closed and they know it.
Yes just south of the St. Lucie it is one cast one fish, Spanish Macs, watch that limit, how many fish do you want to clean.
Surf anglers it has been 4oz days all week, still plenty of Whiting but there has been some Blues and Pompano in the mix. Over cast days have made for good fishing now if we could just turn down the wave machine. Any time was good for the Whiting but it was high tide for the others. Cut baits for the Blues and clams and sand fleas for the Pompano but the water needs to get a little a little cooler to bring in the school. Looking for the Pomps and Blues fish early, catch the coolest water of the day, best bet. Now the Mac’s are coming through biting every thing so bring some long shank hooks and keep in mind who is going to clean all these fish, Spanish Mackerel every where.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
From Henry @ Snook-Nook - Jensen Beach
Cool mornings but not cold, a little over cast but the sun burned its way through, not bad this week weather man. Wind laid down most of the morning and then picked up as the afternoon wore on and the sun stayed on keeping the temps to my liking. All and all not bad for a December week.
Surf has been a sporty depending on the hour and the day. Fish early for the quiet surf, still waiting for the Pompano and Blues to start. Seas are right, temps are right and I know the baits are correct, so that must mean the fish do not read this column. Any day, any hour they will start and the only way to know is to go, cut bait for the Blues, clams and sand fleas for the Pompano. Put a bait out there and give it sometime, patients. Whiting continue to hold attention, lots of big Whiting, the best table fare, bring the ice.
In the River, Black Drum, Sheep-head, Snapper, Trout, Flounder and the list goes on. Cooler water has moved the Trout to the deeper water, three to four feet with a slow presentation will find plenty. Reds will be in the shallow water they like the cooler water and any where you are targeting Trout the Reds will be there just cast to the shallow. Flounder have been an incidental , just there, one and two for all anglers just not a limit. Pompano have been on the catch list, just spotty the only place I have had good reports has been in the deeper area of Hells Gate on the out going tide. Bridges have been the hot spot, to many Drum, Snapper, Mac’s, Blues and no mater where you are fishing the Lady Fish rule. Fish early, then as the day moves on look to the flat water, afternoon wind will move you around.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
From Whites Tackle - Ft Pierce / Stuart
Ft Pierce
Inshore the trout and redfish bite was good around bear point on soft baits. The jetty has been picking with with a few bluefish and pompano and a few nice flounder.
Inshore fishing remains good toward the power plant with lots of crystal clear water. Trout and Redfish have been mixed in with lots of jacks and ladyfish.
Inshore the trout and redfish bite was good around bear point on soft baits. The jetty has been picking with with a few bluefish and pompano and a few nice flounder.
Inshore fishing remains good toward the power plant with lots of crystal clear water. Trout and Redfish have been mixed in with lots of jacks and ladyfish.
Monday, December 23, 2013
It’s a time of year when it is difficult to get anything done at work because you are easily distracted by the fishing that lies ahead. Anticipation runs high and you expect that this year’s run will be better than the last. In fact, you’ve even planned your vacation days around the optimum tides and moon, and should the fishing get really stupid and warrant extra time off, not too worry. You have taken extra precautions and have all the excuses required to convince the boss, along with a note from your sympathetic doctor.
Although many surfcasters suffer through this common illness, what does all this have to do with catching big fish? Have you really sat down and given some thought to preparations for your next trophy hunt? Do you really know what it takes to become a proficient trophy hunter and understand what goes into the mind of every successful trophy cow hunter? Allow me to share a few thoughts on the topic and once you are done with this article, you will understand what I mean.
Do you really know what it takes to become a trophy hunter? It's not about secret spots.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched good fishermen change their fresh-out-of-the-box lures repeatedly after a few casts, only to realize that the best part of the tide has slipped away before them. This is one of the most common mistakes many surfcasters make. For some ungodly reason, they have this notion that they need to cast everything in their bag and if they haven’t, they feel they haven’t been fishing. Although many folks have gone through this lure-changing phase, a seasoned caster has a good idea as to what works in the area and under what conditions. As a result, they carry a minimal selection which allows them to maximize the prime stages of the tide to the fullest.
How do you get to this point? It is called building lure confidence and “positive thinking.” The obvious solution to this problem is to test your lures beforehand. This allows you to observe the action and adjust your presentation so that when the time is right, you have complete confidence in your offering. This may sound silly to some, but have you ever heard of someone going on a safari hunt without sighting in his gun? Well, testing your lures prior to prime tides is no different. More importantly, you must know exactly what your lure is doing below the water before you can believe in that lure! Once you have that all worked out, you can now apply that positive thinking. I am not just talking about trusting, I am talking about mentally believing that it will catch on every cast. It’s building that positive intuition in you and applying the necessary perseverance that will guide you to that trophy fish on a consistent basis.
Positive thinking is just a part of the equation, but you must also be able to endure the environment and surroundings inhabited by big stripers. Like any well-trained athlete that is able to go great distances, a good surfcaster needs to go through the same motions. You need to build the stamina that will allow you to move around great distances and fish areas that are avoided by other anglers. To restrict the areas you fish because you are physically unable is a compromise that could very well cost you big fish opportunities.
For example, if you located a large school of bait moving in a specific direction and you want to intercept them at some point off in the distance, you need to be able to get there on time. If not, you could easily miss that opportunity. In some cases, you need to be physically and mentally ready to handle being perched on a rock in pounding surf, or landing a big fish from atop a jetty. Times like that can be challenging, but with the proper equipment and being physically capable, your fishing should become safer and more productive.
You know your body’s limitations, but if you are motivated for that trophy fish, you need to be motivated to exercise. I am not talking about training to be in triathlon shape, I am suggesting you do what is needed to remain safe and be able to fish hard in a sometimes unfriendly environment.
THE LUCK FACTORTo some, the word “lucky” is easily mistaken for hard work. This may be one of my pet peeves because envious fishermen dismiss it and cannot grasp the meaning of hard work and dedication. It is easier to label someone lucky (or a cheater) and to discount their successes. With some people, it boosts their self esteem and ego to belittle someone’s effort.
To be proficient at this game requires dedication and unconditional sacrifice. A cow hunter is very much like a sniper on a mission, and that mission is to capture and conquer and do whatever it takes. That calculating mindset is exactly what you need to be successful. It’s not about relying on your friends to tell you where the bite is, nor is it just one spot that you rely on. It’s about the package and the ability to maneuver around, scout new grounds and understanding surrounding structure in terms of cuts, bars, ledges, pockets and rips.
It is also not about “secret spots.” In fact, there are no secret spots! The secret lies in understanding when the fish are biting at a specific time and place. The bottom line is putting yourself in a position to intercept big fish, and understanding their movements. This cannot be achieved by sitting on a couch or by watching TV. This is achieved by preparation, being resourceful and making your own reports. The onus is on you. As I’ve always said, remember that whenever you are dreaming about that truly big fish, there is someone already out there looking to make that dream come true.
COMMITMENTAlthough you may interpret what I’ve written here as being a touch arrogant, the message I am trying to convey is simple. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. Obviously this is not for everyone and only you know your limitations. There are also social obligations and family responsibilities that need to be met, but that can also compromise your effort. Becoming a proficient cow hunter means committing to a lifestyle filled with sacrifice and compromise at certain times of the year. It’s about pushing the limits and taking it to the next level. There are multiple levels to this surfcasting sport - from a family oriented and friendly pastime to relaxation and enjoying the outdoors. To some, it is the desire to catch as many fish as possible.
To a select few, it is beyond that. It is not only the preparation and the lure of the outdoors. What sets the true cow hunter apart from the rest is their mission and mindset, accompanied by the willpower and desire to push themselves physically and mentally. These casters are persistent and accept any challenge presented before them in an effort to maximize prime stages of the tide. They also tend to leave their massive lure collection behind and carry just a handful of selective lures. They approach the game with impeccable confidence and make every cast count. For the true cow hunter, there is no substitute for time spent on the water. Now that you have a general idea on what’s on a cow hunter’s mind, do you have what it takes to be one?
Friday, December 20, 2013
Snook Nook Tent Sale
Late notice everyone but we will be putting the tent up tomorrow (Saturday 12/21) from 10am - 4pm! Tons of specials from line, rods, reels, knives, shirts, hats, nets, and too much more to list.
Captain Ed Zyak with DOA lures and Local Color guide service will be joining us to discuss new product and answer any questions you have on inshore fishing!
We will have multiple line machines operational with some killer pricing on braid and monofilament spooled by the yard.
We will provide a complete list of specials at the event, great opportunity for last minute Christmas shopping!
Captain Ed Zyak with DOA lures and Local Color guide service will be joining us to discuss new product and answer any questions you have on inshore fishing!
We will have multiple line machines operational with some killer pricing on braid and monofilament spooled by the yard.
We will provide a complete list of specials at the event, great opportunity for last minute Christmas shopping!
Holiday Fishing Fun
The Holiday Season has started so get what you really want ... A fishing trip!!! Here are a few of my friends ( guides )
Jayson Arman - Thats R-Man Land Based Charters
Two wade for the price of One
Jon Brooks - flwadefisherman.com (727)698-2068
$50 off any trip $25 off extra person
(St. Pete Guide)
Brian Nelli - Pushin' Water Kayak Charters (772)201-5899
The Holiday Season has started so get what you really want ... A fishing trip!!! Here are a few of my friends ( guides )
Hai Truong at UrbanAnglerMiami.com 786-405-4146
$100 off reg full day rate this month
Ryan Joup - JoupDog Wading Adventures @ Treasurecoasttackle.com (868)-604-3205
2 Wade for the price of 1 Deal
Chris - Beach Walker Guide Service (772)-475-8412
$100 Full Day $50 for Half Day
Casting Smart
By CA Richardson for Seawatch Magazine
Smart Casting is a term that I utilize in my Flats Class V2.0 seminar series to describe where the presentation has to be placed to increase the odds of a fish striking the lure. Often what is considered a well- placed cast by many anglers is occasionally too close to the targeted fish and frequent- ly results in a negative response to the angler’s presentation. By using the Smart Casting strategy, the angler presents his lure at a prudent distance away from the actual fish or structure he intends to target which allows the lure to achieve the proper speed and natural appearance when it ar- rives in the strike zone.
Proper lure speed is accomplished by understanding what forage the angler is try- ing to imitate and allowing enough time and/ or distance to duplicate that action. Keep in mind... game fish are generally startled when a lure is cast uncomfortably close to them in most cases that’s the very reason why a safe cast is necessary. For example, if I want to burn a paddle tail jig, mimicking bait fish behavior, speeding through a dock light to produce a reaction strike from a snook. I would first smart cast my jig 12
to 15 feet past the back edge of the lighted area into the dark so that I could achieve the ideal tempo by the time the jig entered the lighted area (intended strike zone). An- other instance, might be when fishing pot holes (sandy areas) in shallow grass flats for sea trout and redfish. Often the best pre- sentation, for a soft plastic crustacean look, is a cast well past the intended pot hole so that you can gently reel the lure carefully to the far edge of the pot hole and drop it. At that point, you can either apply a slow drag & pause (crab retrieve) or use a subtle lift & fall (shrimp retrieve) to get the desired reaction from the game fish within the pot hole! By cautiously not placing the cast ini- tially in the “strike zone”... your lure has the time and distance to behave the way you intended it to look and significantly in- crease the odds of generating a strike.
Other factors you have to consider when smart casting is depth of water, current direction and “angle of lure ap- proach”. Water depth becomes a factor in situations where the angler has to permit the lure to reach a certain depth before it can move through the intended strike zone. For example, if an angler is utilizing a crank bait over submerged structure, he has to allow for a much longer cast to give the lure time to attain depth and make contact with the structure to draw a strike. Whereas, in deep strong current, it’s important to bring the lure in the same direction as the current flow be- cause the targeted game fish are oriented to feed in that direction of flow... in spite of the intimidating “head-on” angle. And the final consideration, when game fish are laid up in a slow or static current scenario in shallow wa- ter they rarely react well to a lure aggressively approaching their position in a “head-on” manner. This “head-on” lure motion is a very un-natural “angle of approach” for imitating prey and results are typically poor for a game fish to strike. Summing it up, smart casting by definition is logically placing the lure at a measured distance away from the strike zone as to not startle the game fish from the initial surface entry but allowing for enough time and space for the said lure to operate prop- erly, that’s it!
Hey, fish smart the next time you head out to your favorite fishing hole and you just might be surprised by the outcome!
Sebastian Inlet Report

We have another beautiful day at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the Southeast at 13 mph and gusting to 16. We have a nice weekend ahead of us, get out and wet a line.
Yesterday was a slow day on the north jetty. The best action was with Black Drum, Chuck Fischer of Satellite Beach landed a huge Black Drum early in the morning, and several other anglers had good luck in the morning hours as well. The bite slowed significantly as the morning passed, but the Black Drum bite was the most significant. Only a couple of nice Sheepshead came over the rails and a Jack or two, but that was it for the morning. Many anglers were using clams, some were using shrimp and some were using both.
Our first photo today features young Dylan Pumarada with a good sized Spanish Mackerel.
Photo two is of Dylan's dad, Robert Pumarada who fought his oversized Red for a solid ten minutes. Robert reported his biceps ached after pulling in the 31" C/R Redfish.
Photo three is of Robert's friend, "Gonz" with his first Redfish catch, a keeper at 26".
Photo four is courtesy of Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach. Mike took this shot of father and son, Jordan and Tom Stinlen and Steve Bozutto , all of Vero Beach. The men landed their catches. Reds, Black Drum and Pompano were on the menu that night!
Jun Policarpio of Orlando is our last angler today. Jun landed his 14" Pompano using frozen clams on
There are a lot of fun activities planned at the
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Gear Check
5 Winter Fishing Gear Maintenance Tips
Most all of us cringe when it comes time to store our treasured possessions for any length of time. Remember that super bummed out feeling you had when your mom took away your favorite teddy bear when you were about eight years old? She may have said that it was time for him to go to a new “home” in the attic, but you wanted no part of giving him up and storing him away.
Well, anglers tend to get the same sort of feeling when it comes to storing their fishing gear
for any length of time. Some of us even shed a tear as our mind flips through the mental scrapbook of memories created when the weather was warmer and the bite was hot.

However hard the truth is to face, if you live in the Northern part of the country and haven’t picked up ice fishing yet, you’ll need to store your gear for a couple of months. Even if you live in a warmer climate, there may come a time when you decide to take a vacation that doesn’t involve fishing (GASP!) or have a few weeks of inclement weather. Regardless, at some point, all anglers will need to store their gear.
Here are five tips to remember when storing your rods and reels:
- Check the guides on the rod to see if any are loose or cracked. If you do find any damaged guides, you can buy new ones and have them replaced. Most tackle shops will do this for you at a fairly minimal cost. If you want to try to replace the guides yourself, be sure to use caution when removing the glue from the blank to avoid damage to the rod.
- Clean and lubricate all metal parts. If you fish saltwater, your rod and reel
should be rinsed with freshwater after every trip. When storing for a longer period of time, be sure to wipe down and lubricate all metal parts outside and inside the reel with an anti-corrosion spray. It’s also a good idea to check and re-grease your drags.
- Loosen the drag on your reel. Most reels have drag systems that can lock up or become compressed if left tightened for an extended period of time.
- Remove fishing line. This tip is particularly important if you use monofilament line
since it will hold the shape of the reel and create memory in the line. The less memory in your line when fishing, the better.
- Store your rods in a rod rack. Leaning rods upright against a wall without the support of a rod rack is not a good storage strategy because this can cause curvature in the rod.
What other tips or suggestions do you have for keeping your gear in top shape during the off-season so that it’s ready to land the big ones come spring?
Sebastian Inlet Report

We have a stunning morning at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the East at 8 mph, gusting to 12. There is a moderate chop on the water.
An update from inlet regular Mike Ricciardi reported yesterday morning the bite was fair for Black Drum, a lot of Sheepshead came over the rails but only a few Pompano were landed. Sand fleas worked well for the Sheepshead.
Our first photo is of Larry Robison of West Melbourne who landed a monster Black Drum using fresh clams. The beast was 40"
Photo two features Claudio Allende of Orlando. Claudio landed this huge C/R Redfish using live shrimp.
From Capt. Charlie @ Fishing Center - Ft Pierc
We have enjoyed some very nice weather again this week. Still on the windy side most days, but fishable for us most of the time. You can expect a cold front on a weekly basis to move through the Treasure Coast. Water temperatures dropped in the latter part of the week due to the last front that hit our area. Water temps in some areas of the river were down around the 62 - 63 degree range, but if you moved around you could find water that was 70 degrees and that is where we caught most of our fish. Wintertime can be a challenge some days to find fish, but be willing to move around and try other areas and lures in order to have success.

Redfish have been hanging around docks and mangroves lately for us. Try a CAL paddle tail around the mangroves and docks. The trout bite was slower this week mainly due to the windy days keeping us off most of the grass flats. We did catch a few short snook around the mangroves while searching for redfish. The black drum and sheepshead are moving into the river and you should see good catches of them in the next several months. Try bridges, docks and channel edges for these species. Pompano have been found in a few areas along the beaches and anglers will be heading to the surf for them. Sand fleas, clams or shrimp will all work along with DOA CAL paddle tails and Doc's Goofy Jigs. We should see more filtering into the river now that water temps have fallen. Look for whiting along the beaches as well. The inlet will continue to be full of mackerel, jacks, blue runners and ladyfish.
December is a fun time to fish. You can be challenged by the weather, but there are lots of different fish to target on any given day. Dress warm in layers so you can adjust to the sometimes 30 degree swing in temperatures. We head out some mornings when it's in the 40's and by noon it's in the 70's so dress accordingly to the forecast. Have fun this month on the water.
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