It's a brisk and beautiful morning at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the West-Northwest at 12 mph and gusting to 21. There is a moderate chop on the water and there is a small craft advisory in effect.
We've heard reports of the Flounder bite starting to pick up for those anglers who are fishing west of the bridge in the inlet. A little cool weather always seems to get the bite started. We received an update from Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach who has been out on the north jetty and reports crowded conditions due to a "shortened" jetty, improved fishing and the return of our northern friends. Mike reported that 20 - 25 Black Drum were landed yesterday, which 8 - 10 were short (under 14") and returned to the water. Most of the Drum were landed on dead shrimp but live shrimp and clams were also producing results. A good number of Spanish Mackerel were caught on live greenies and small finger mullet. Only a few juvenile Snook were landed and released, no keepers. Two Reds were landed; Mike got one that was 20" on live shrimp.
Our first photo today features a third generation Sebastian Inlet angler, Ryan Roberson, who now lives in St. Cloud. Ryan was fishing west of the tide pool where he landed the beautiful Flounder.
Our next photo is of Tony Swiderski and Mike Ricciardi's haul for Nov. 1st. Both men limited out on Black Drum on dead shrimp and clams. In addition, Tony got a nice Permit and Mike added a 22" Redfish to the cache.
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