
Monday, September 17, 2012

From Henry @ Snook-Nook Ft Pierce

Afternoon and it is raining, the weather man has been not working with us this week.  Threating, with thunder, lightening and wind gusts kept most anglers close to shore or shall we say not out exploring.  East side of the river
was the safe zone, flat water shielded by the island.  Lots of bait, lots of mullet not quite a run but building, plenty of fish and they were there most of the day.  Quality Trout on top water baits early, cast into the bait school and pull hard, let it sit for moment
then pull again and hang on.  Reds in the slot but their bite has been early, just as the sun starts to rise is the prime time.  Try a small bait that suspends or sinks, keep in mind Reds have to get on top of a bait, slow down, you will see the splash.  Plenty
of Blues, Jacks and Mac’s to keep you busy while you are looking for a Tarpon.  West side is turbid because of the wind, bait prefers non turbid water and the fish will follow.  Not going to say there are no fish on the west side but the ones on east are easier to find
me being the lazy angler that I am.   Bridges , well it is a long catch list, Drum,Sheephead, Blues, Snapper, Lady Fish, Jacks and the list goes on, bridges have been hot all day as long as the water is moving, action all day depending on the species.
Snook, the worst the weather the more active they become but if you will wait for sun down, pick a bridge, cast a sinking lure or a live bait you will catch a fish, 28”/32”” is the slot.
             Surf has the bait but the waves are keeping them out of danger.  The turbid line of sand moves in and out from location to location look for a line that is in your comfort range, casting spoons and cut baits has been very productive.  Blue fish and Jacks
have been on the top of the list, no word on Tarpon or Snook, plenty of Whiting and  Sand Perch.  Time does not seem to be an issue but high tide will move everything in, a little easier to work.  With all the Mullet there I am more than sure there is
few Snook, just have to get them the bait before the Jack’s find your offering.
            I have heard weather men make great bait

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