
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

From Big Dave - Sebastian Inlet

Once again the afternoon outgoing tide at the inlet produce countless redfish in a wide variety of sizes for those fishing in the crowd on the end of the north jetty. Fish up into the mid thirty pound range were caught but slot sized keepers came over the rail much more frequently. As usual, the bait of choice today was live finger mullet but those fishing with mojarras or hand picked shrimp also scored well. The snook proved elusive with only one over slot brute caught for the day. Though I had arrived just after eight AM, I chose not to join the crowded end of the jetty until the tide began to go out with authority to avoid tangling issues but also to see if I could pull a flounder or two out of the trough. Unfortunately, I failed in that particular endeavor but for one lucky angler fishing in the crowd a flounder sandwich emerged from the murk in the form of the fine example in photo number one. In photo two we have an angler displaying the bull red he caught on a topwater plug before quickly releasing it to live to fight another day. Photo three is of myself with a thirty one inch red I caught just before it was time to go. The last photo is a bonus bull red caught by my good friend Chris last week just after an afternoon rain squall. His fish taped out at forty eight inches and was of course released unharmed. If anybody reading this wants to stop by and say hello, I'll be hitting the inlet once again on Wednesday afternoon at two. Until next time, good fishing.

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