Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sebastian Inlet Report


Winds are blowing out of the East-Northeast at 1 mph; the water is calm with a light ripple on the surface. No see 'ums are out in force, be sure to take insect repellent if you head to the inlet. If you forget, they sell it in the Bait and Tackle Shop on the north side, you'll need some! 

Fishing remains the same, on the slow side. We received an update from Art Caprario that he was out on the northand witnessed a young man battle a large fish for about 30 minutes before the fish ran to the pilings and broke the line. Art believes it may have been a Goliath Grouper. Art is probably right; they have been hanging around the north jetty waiting to steal any catches from the anglers. Fishing is slow enough without any help from the big Grouper! 

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