
Friday, August 10, 2012

Sebastian Inlet Report

08-10-12 FRIDAY: TGIF! 

Winds are blowing out of the South-Southwest this morning at 6 mph and there is a light ripple on the water. We have a forecast for partly cloudy skies this weekend with temperatures in the low 90's. The water temperature is still cooler than usual for this time of year; it's in the low 80's. 

Table fare has been scarce at the inlet, although baitfish have been thick. We received a couple of updates to share with you. The first is from Desmond of Melbourne who made it to the inlet last night and reported Ladyfish were everywhere. Anglers were hooking up with them using lures and some folks were using cast nets. Desmond saw quite a few C/R Snook landed off the south catwalk. 

Our first photo today is incredible. Inlet regular Wayne Landry was on vacation last month and fished the north jetty with his friend Alex, from Miami. Wayne and Alex caught and released 10 Snook, which were all safely released, but the one in our first photo was the largest. Wayne landed this Snook using live shrimp on his 12 lb mono rod. He estimated the fish was about 45 lbs., she was fat, thick and heavy! This was the heaviest Snook he has landed in his 42 hears of fishing the inlet! 

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