
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sebastian Inlet Report


It's another beautiful morning at the Sebastian Inlet. Winds are blowing out of the South-Southeast at 8 mph and the water is calm. 

Fishing has been on the slow side the past few days. A smattering of Mangrove Snapper, Flounder, Margate and small Spadefish are all that's been seen, and those have been few and far between. Hopefully, the "fishing gods" will have mercy and send some fish our way soon!

SISP Ranger Ed Perry sent in our two photos today. Ranger Ed took these photos after work. An unknown angler in our first photo landed a real nice catch and release Red on a surface plug. Photo two shows the angler lowering the big Red back into the water via net. That is the best way to release a C/R fish, particularly if it is battle-weary. It's a long drop from the north jetty, and lowering the fish back down by net prevents further shock to the fish. Our hats are off to this angler, who obviously knows what he is doing, way to go! 

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