Sunday, May 6, 2012


I had a chance to fish the Boynton Beach Inlet last night on the "SUPER MOON"??????  There was TONS of Bait "BIG" Sardines and White bait. The bite was better doing the earlier part of the day when the tide was going out. A strong incoming tide made it hard not to get hung up in the rocks. Fishing the north side had a few fish hooked, but ether got broke off or over the slot. The south side had one or two keepers on the late night out going tide. I usually don't fish that side on the weekends.... lots of people, it's ELBOW to ASSHOLE. You have to make a long  cast into the inlet out going current to get your bait in the right place. If you have two or three anglers who are working together its fine, but thats never the case... Everyone is casting and crossing lines.......
They KILLED the Moonfish off the south parking lot back wall. The Cast Netters  made a real killing, I saw COOLERS FULL of Moonfish 

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