
Monday, December 5, 2011

From Capt. Henry @ SNOOK-NOOK Jensen Beach

Beautiful sun, big blue sky and the wind will not stop, it just keeps blowing. That wind weapon is still keeping anglers on the east side of the river, surf anglers waiting and off shore tied to the dock. 
        Surf saw plenty of Blues, Mac’s and Jacks casting spoons early in the day but now it is all white water.       This week it will lie down and it will get back to normal, Spoons and cut bait early then by later morning it will be Pompano on sand fleas and clams.  Should even find some Whiting in the mix if the weather man gets it right.
         River anglers, Trout season is closed so that means they are every where and all over the slot and no the season is closed, put them back. Red Fish have gotten under control, still plenty of them just not as pesky as they were.  Anglers found plenty in Middle Cove, Blind Creek, east end of the causeways and across the Sail Fish Flats, favored baits were jigs and small spoons. Pompano made a bit of a showing at the bridges a few across the Sail Fish Flats, this should be the week. Snook season is winding down, December 15 it closes till the first of February, good bite going in the dark hours, pick a bridge and watch that slot. All and all we have had a good bite going in spite of the wind, Blues, Mac’s, Jack’s, Lady’s and plenty of Drum, Sheephead, and a few I left out now if we can turn off the wind weapon

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