Monday, October 31, 2011

From The Snook Nook

Yes I know, rain or it looks like rain, weather I guess we will have to fish a round it. Interesting we all have rain gear but one of the great thing about living here is we can wait till the next day. Cooler temp are waking up the fish and bringing more to our shores, so let’s start on the beach. Blue Fish and Jacks have been keeping many busy, want to bend a rod, come on down. Surf have been polite and busy with fish, Mac’s, Croakers, small Pompano, whiting and Snook to mane a few. Casting a chrome lure will get lots of pullers, casting a Jig will find a few more and a Snook. Start early and the Blues, Jacks and Mac’s will not disappoint you. Mid morning through the rest of the day and you will be busy with the Whiting, Croaker, Snook and still a few Blues just to confuse me. If you just want to bend a rod these fish will take your mind off the weather and keep you busy fishing.
In the river the Trout bite and Reds continue, weather you are fishing in Middle Cove or alway south to Boy Scout Island and too many point in between the bite is on. With over cast days the fish have stayed in the shallows, Top water is favored then to soft rubber as the day wears on. Bridges have been the home for Snook, pick a bridge wait for sun down and then bend a rod. Bombers in black and chrome have been favored but that Flair Hawk is a sure thing. Lots of fish all week, not many anglers thanks to the weather man, yes I know it did rain some where in Florida……

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