
Monday, October 24, 2011

From Capt. Charlie @Fishing Center-Fort Pierce

Windy conditions prevailed again this week around the Treasure Coast.  We were able to get out fishing, but the winds made it challenging for us.  The forecast is for more of the same this week.  Otherwise, we have had some cooler days to enjoy the sunshine.
The water has remained chopped up and dirty around most areas of the river.  Once the winds slow down, you should see it clear up pretty fast.  There is lots of baitfish all around the area and the jacks have been feeding heavily on them.  We have had luck around the docks, but they have been blown out lately.  Harbor Branch has been the most productive for trout recently and you can usually find a spot to get out of the worst of the winds there.  Bear Point has also been productive for us when you can fish the area. 
Don't worry, the winds will give us break soon.  We get these conditions every year, but being the spoiled Floridians that we are....we expect great weather every day!  It will die off and you can enjoy some great fishing soon.

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