Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sebastian Inlet Report

Winds are all over the place this morning, depending on when you look at the anemometer. This morning we've seen it go from 25 to 17 back to 22 mph, etc. The water is choppy and we have waves coming over the rails of the north jetty. It will probably be windy all day but the sun is peeking through the clouds off and on. Rough seas are predicted all weekend so the boating forecast is not good. Some of our panorama photos are updated now and we are still working on getting the entire web cam page up to date, thank you for your patience.

Since not many people have been out fishing in the windy conditions, we are assuming that the fishing forecast will include the same cast of characters that have been biting this week. Mangrove Snapper, an occasional Spanish Mackerel or two, oversized Reds and catch and release Snook. We have a hot steamy weekend ahead of us but the winds may help cool off the jetty and beach anglers. Heavier tackle is recommended due to the conditions.

Thursday 8/25/11

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