
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sebastian Inlet Report


It's another breezy day at the inlet. Winds are blowing out of the Southwest at 15 mph and there is a moderate chop on the water.

Yesterday the morning hours were not very productive even with a good deal of mullet in the water. We had multiple catches of Catfish and Puffers (blowfish) come over the rails and the lucky ones landed a couple of Blues. That was it for the morning session. The afternoon wasn't much better. A couple anglers hooked up with what seemed like big fish but they broke off fairly hefty line and weren't identified.
The evening hours have been better for catch and release oversized Reds and Snook.
A 41", 24 lb Redfish, a 20 lb Snook, a 12 - 15 lb Snook, a 3- 4 lb Trout, several huge Jacks, a big Stingray, Ladyfish, Bluefish and the usual Catfish.

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